“There is the sea, great and broad, in which are swarms without number, animals small and great…”
Psalm 104:25
Earthwindow is a sample of images Mike Johnson captured over 30+ years: the majority exposed on film. They mainly depict the natural world in southern California. Mike’s focus today is sharing the natural world in-person, primarily with young families aboard his small boat. You are free to share any image via your socials or email. Just click the share link from any lightbox. For licensing information, see below. A tablet is the minimum requirement for full screen lightboxes and image details.
AquaLife * BC Outdoors Sport Fishing * Das Tier* Field and Stream * GEO Japan * GEO Korea * Habitat Australia * Herzug * International Wildlife * LIFE * National Geographic * National Wildlife * Natural History *Outdoor California * Quark * Ranger Rick * Readers Digest * Saltwater Sportsman * Sport Diver * Sportfishing * Weekly Reader * Wildlife Conservation * Wild Outdoor World * Zoogoer
Book Publishers
Aladdin Books * Barnes & Noble Publishing * Bob. Jones Univ. Press * Brooks/Cole Publishing * Chanticleer Press * Chronicle Books * Dorling Kindersley * Enslow Publishers * Firefly Books * Fountain Press * Heinemann Library * Heinle Thomson Learning * Holt Rinehart Winston * Houghton Mifflin * Longman Education * Monterey Bay Aquarium * New England Aquarium * Oxford University Press * Pearson Education * Pearson Scott Foresman * Rosen Publishing Group * Rowland Reading Foundation * Sierra Madre * TIME-LIFE * Voyageur Press * West Publishing Inc. * Wiegl * William H. Sadiler, Inc. * Wright Group
New Media
AETN Television Networks/History Channel * BBC * CyberEd * Discovery.com * Eindhovens Dagblad * Glencoe McGraw-Hill * Kaleidio Interactive Media * Kanno Creative Co * LEAP * Morgan-Cain & Associates * Nolin Branding & Design * Starwave * Recombinant Capital * WGN
Represented by Blue Planet Archive
Licensing fees are usually modest. Some research, educational and news uses are free but still require written permission. Please contact mike@earthwindow.com Remember: you’re free to share any image via the social link in any lightbox.