


Now you need to explore websites and information in order to accomplish your task:

  1. Of the issues and examples that David Sands raises, which ones make his argument persuasive? Why? What assumptions is Dave Sands making? Which counter-examples argue persuasively against the claims of an inshore fisher like David Sands?
  2. What measures by fishermen, governments, and others involved might solve the overall Nova Scotia fisheries problem? For example, would a compromise TAC for each of groups who fish the area allow the fish population to regenerate sufficiently? Is there evidence that this strategy has worked elsewhere when fisheries are seriously depleted?
  3. Some observers argue that the picture of depleted world fisheries represents how globalization puts sustainability at risk, i.e., if the boats of many countries can go anywhere in the world and are now able to catch far more fish, inevitably they will destroy the fisheries. What international agreements exist to help nations and their fishers resolve their conflicts? How effective are these international agreements, and why?
  4. 4. As fisheries face depletion, and fishers bring in smaller catches, some fishing boat captains have turned to crime -- illegal trade in drugs, or the trafficking in human beings. Explore and explain some of the links that exist between the collapse of world fisheries and international crime.
  5. How does the world population figure in this fisheries picture?

When you have studied the situation and developed your arguments, develop written answers for questions above, report back to the whole class. Discuss your views concerning David Sands' circumstances, what causes the fisheries problem, and where the best or most likely solutions lie. In your answers, make sure that you acknowledge what you still don't know or still need to learn.





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